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Job Application - plewese cwicc uwu

never goon applicatoin

Yes, I know this site isnt funny. Its meant to be cringe.

I spend most of the time "taking notes" on the internt looking for ways to make this site unbearable to look at.

pg. II

Enviro Notes

Earth Quakes, Feb 19


Cracks between big enough rocks cause change. When the movement at the fault is large this increases a earthquake. The fault scarp can be seen in real life (•‿•). There are different types of faults, if it go up its reverse, if it go down its a regular fault, if it goes up its a thrust fault. Normal faults are caused by extention.

Soil and Ground, March 4

Gravel >2mm, Snad 2-1/16mm, Silt 1/16-256mm, Clay >1/256mm.

Soil is More than Dirt!

Its minerals and decyed organic matter. Soil is the interface between Earth Subsystems. Soil is the bridge between the animate and inanmiate world. It also evolves over time. "The Critical Zone"


The process that produces material for sediments and sedimentary rocks. All three rock types are subject to weathering. Two types of weathering, Mechanical and Chemical. Climate also affects the weathering type, humid=chemical, mechanical=cold.



Mass Wasting and Mass Movemnt, March 6

Erodierende Klippen, unterirdischer Erdrutsch, Steinschlag. Massenverschwendung ist die Abwärtsbewegung von Regolith und Gesteinsmassen unter der Anziehungskraft der Schwerkraft.

When a large object, like your mom, has downhill gravity and uphill friction it don't move. If da gravy is strong enough it make the object move downs. Shear stress is causd by downslope, and normal streess is the perpendicular componet of the totoal stress.

Role Of Vegetation

Th roots prevent the movement it helpes reduce landslides, wild fires precent. Shaking from earthquakes casue the sliding of rocks.

Literaly Anyting

¡Hola! Y bienvenidos a la familia Los Pollos Hermanos. Mi nombre es Gustavo, pero puedes llamarme "Gus". Estoy encantado de que te unas a nuestro equipo. Todos y cada uno de los días, servimos a nuestros clientes una comida excepcional, con un servicio impecable. Nos enorgullecemos de todo lo que hacemos. Y después de este seminario en línea de 10 semanas, estoy seguro de que encajarás perfectamente. Me gusta pensar que veo cosas en las personas.

More ENV things, Rivers and Flods. April 3

Rivers at Low flow 95% of the time, Mean Annual Flow is 30% of the time, Bakefull Flow is 2 times in 3 years on average, Moderater Flod based and around 10 years no not age you EDP cakecum fan. Discharge, Is the amount of "I about to blow" in a river and it be flow rate too/discharge.


More depth is more pressure, this can figure out depth velocity discharge at stages. River speed is Distance/Time/ First peek is rainfall. The average number of floods of certian size is called the Recurrence Interval or RI for Long. 1/RI is the equation, make graph.

Modernity, Please refer to Image from GTO

Lag time is shorter in urban areas, the pavement casues more flash floods due to the low penetration rate, for example only 0-10% of water go in ground and 90-100% go in river or stay in pavement. Yes it opsite for da natura/rawral.